We are grateful for the past but even more committed to the future. We have our heading.
Over the past seven years, God has exceeded our expectations in every way. We can't believe we get to be part of such a beautiful, vibrant community of faith. Life City is special, and it wouldn't be what it is without the service and sacrifice of people like you!
Peter called us to be living stones. Alone, we're limited - but together we build the Kingdom of God. Let's dream of our future and look at what we can accomplish together!
"Alone a brick is a paper weight,
together bricks can build a kingdom."
BRICK + BRICK is about the realization of our future...and our future is you. Our future is this city! We are simply amazed at what God has already done. Life City is growing brick by brick, moment by moment, person by person.
We are awakening to the vision, the possibilities God has for you and I. Today, we take a step of faith and open our hands to Him.
Thank you to those that have already partnered with us in giving. Thank you for investing in a Kingdom cause!

Bought: $405,000
PAID OFF: Nov. 24'
Kaitlyn Dr.
Weatherford, Tx 76086
Down Payment to start building project:
25 + 25
LC gave the first $25,000. If we have 9 people match we will hit our goal to pay off the 3+ acres.

It is not about the amount we give, it is about the commitment we make. Pledge to give faithfully toward the Vision. Here are a few suggestions to help your generosity go further.
+ Not sure how much to give? Consider $25 a month.
+ Become a foundation giver and give $1000.
+ Able to do more? Set an audacious goal to accelerate the vision.

A letter from
Pastor Tim & Laurisa
As we reflect on God's faithfulness and goodness, we are filled with faith to sow into the future. His steadfast love gives us assurance that He holds our tomorrow.
This year we began finding a renewed vision for Life City. Something that we KNOW is not only our vision but the absolute mission of the church. We have our heading. A building project is part of the vision, but not the whole. The whole vision will be complete when we meet Him in the sky.
Our vision includes these three individuals. The hungry for more. More of Him. The hurting, broken and needing healing. The hopeless, those that have walked away and thought they can never return. Or have not even met Him yet. Our hope is in the Lord! God is moving and we are so thankful for your generosity. LC wouldn't be what it is without you!
All for Jesus,
Pastor Tim and Laurisa